KaWo Drei e.V.

Who are we?

The dormitories of the Studierendenwerk Aachen have something called student self-administration. It is formed by the residents in the dorm and is organized as association.

This student self-administration actively organizes and shapes the cohabitation. It arranges assemblies or events for the residents and administers the common rooms.

The elected housespeakers stay in touch with the Studierendenwerk, represent the intrests of the residents and act as mediators, if there are differences of opinion.

Beyond that, there is the Belegungsausschuss, who works with the student residence office to coordinate the occupation of free rooms.

As a non-profit association, the KaWo Drei e.V. presents the legal framework for the student self-administration and its services. The only requirement for using these services is the KaWo Drei e.V. membership.

Working Groups

Many services in the dorm are organized voluntarily by residents, who are part of a working group (AG). The current AGs are:

  • Außenbereichs-und-Bepflanzungs-AG (ABBA): Shaping of the outdoor areas, patches and maintainance of the barbecue
  • Allocation commitee: Organization of the room occupations
  • Beamer-AG (projector team): Rental of the projector, organisation of movie nights
  • Drucker-AG (printer team): Provision and maintenance of the dormitory printer
  • Event-AG: Organization of events among others the SnackSunday
  • Lernraum-AG (study room team): Maintainance of the study rooms
  • Neueinzieher-AG (new resident team): Organization of new residents’ meetings
  • Spiele-AG (games team): Rental of boardgames, organization of game nights
  • Sport-AG (sports team): Maintainance of the volleyball field and gym
  • Werkzeug-AG (tool team): Tool rental

Beyond that, Netz.ac e.V. provides the network infrastructure for both KaWo 1 and KaWo 3. This includes the provision of a network connection for registered residents.

KaWo Drei e.V. and Netz.ac e.V. work closely together in achieving the respective objectives of each association.

KaWo Drei e.V. Board

The dormitory spokespersons (Wohnheimssprecher) represent the interests of the residents towards the Studierendenwerk.

  1. Chairman / Wohnheimssprecher: Lea
  2. Chairman / stellv. Wohnheimssprecher: Silva

Our treasurers take care of the finances of the association.

  1. Treasurer: Alexander
  2. Treasurer: Sybille

Contact Us

For general matters concerning the association, contact the chairmen. And for financial matters, contact the treasurers.

Assembly Transcripts

The access to the meeting transcripts of past of senate or plenary assemblies is possible on request.

In order to participate in assemblies, look out for notices and announcements in our News channel! You can find the calendar on the home page.